quarta-feira, novembro 23, 2005

Leote, Leotte ou Liote

Lembrei-me de procurar na net o que dizia o grande mundo "internáutico" sobre mim própria. Que tal?

"De verde, com um braço armado de prata, movente do flanco esquerdo e com a mão de carnação, segurando pela orelha uma cabeça de leão de ouro, arrancada e ensanguentada."

2 comentários:

kikoleotte disse...

LEOTTE - em portugal há muitos anos e originalmente do Algarve.
- have a look-

ini Biographies of Scots and Scots Descendants (E)
Elliot of Portugal

Weel, this is what our old Nobility books say about the
Leotte family in Portugal. They state that a nobleman
called Gilbert Elliot came to Portugal with the
Count of Cambridge in 1383, to fight against Castille troops
and to defend the Portuguese independence.

The Leotte family in Portugal is well-known, some of them are very rich.
One of them owns the São Paulo Hotel at Serra d'Ossa, one of our leading hotels,
in a fabulous environment. The genealogy has been accepted up to last summer.
One of my friends called my attention to a book dealing with Noblemen of Algarve
- two members of the family have received coat-of-arms - and to some further
investigation on the matter.


0596 Elliot


* Clan History

The name Elliot originates from the village of Eliot in Forfarshire
although the old English form of Elwold also appears in Scotland.
The Elliots were one of the notorious Border clans and were found
in the district of Upper Liddesdale. The principal family in the early
days was the Elliots of Redhaugh, but the branch that later was to
represent the senior line was that "of Stobs" The Elliots of Stobs
originated in the 16th century from Gawain Elliot of the Redhaugh family.
His younger son, Gilbert Elliot was convicted of High Treason in 1685 for
his work towards religious liberty, only pardoned after the ascension of
William of Orange. He was created baronet in 1700 and conferred a
Lord of Session as Lord Minto in 1705. His son and grandson,
the 2nd and 3rd Baronets were likewise educated for the bar,
sat in parliament and held other high official positions. Jane,
sister of the 3rd Baronet was famed for her composition "The Flowers of the Forest"

Anónimo disse...

Já consultou no site Genea do Sapo?
Há mais informações sobre a nossa familia. O meu nick no site é maelisa

Até breve

Elisabete Leote