terça-feira, novembro 22, 2005

High fidelity

Falaram no livro e eu não resisti a rever o filme. :-)

Para quem está na crise dos 20 e qualquer coisa, funciona como"placebo": inofensivo ainda que ajude a curar alguns males à custa de sorrisos e perspectiva. Às vezes é o que nos falta, certo?

Resolvi procurar na net algo mais sober o filme homónimo do livro de Nick Hornby e descobri, nem mais nem menos que o guião do filme... aqui fica o link para os que tiverem curiosos...

E um pequeno DELICIOSO excerto!!!!

(to camera)
Over nine million men in this
country have slept with ten or more
women. And do they all look like
Richard Gere? Are they all as rich
as Bill Gates? Charming as Oscar
Wilde? Hell no. Nothing to do
with any of that. Maybe fifty or
so have one or more of these
attributes, but that still
leaves...well, about nine million,
give or take fifty. And they're
just men. Regular guys.
We're just guys, because I, even I,
am a member of this exclusive, nine
million member club. In fact,
Marie is my seventeenth lover. "How
does he do it?" you ask. "He wears
bad sweaters, he's grumpy, he's
broke, he hangs out with the
Musical Moron Twins, and he gets to
go to bed with a recording artist
who looks like Susan Dey-slash-Meg
Ryan. What's going on? Listen up,
because I think I can explain, with
all modesty aside: I ask questions.
That's it. That's my secret. It
works precisely because that isn't
how you're supposed to do it, if
you listen to the collective male
wisdom. There are still enough
old-style, big-mouthed, egomaniacs
running around to make someone like
me appear to be refreshingly
different. If you can't hack this
simple strategy, there are some
women out there, of course, who
want to get pushed around, ignored
and mowed over, but do you really
want to be with them anyway?

Ouviram meninos?

1 comentário:

NunoC disse...

A seu tempo isto irá merecer uma teoria!