sábado, julho 08, 2006

Is everybody in? The ceremony is about to begin.

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Are you in? - is the name of a nice music from Incubus;
Ceremony - is the name of a fantastic music that New Order composed and dedicated to the leader of Joy Division after his death;

It is good to see you back!

NunoC disse...

Entao quando comecam os relatos directamente do centro do universo???

Espero que esteja tudo a correr bem!

Anónimo disse...

Eu ando por cá... Qual cerimónia?
Perdi o teu número suiço...

Anónimo disse...

who are you??? what's your first name??? read a few lines of your blog and liked it! its seems that we have something in common, our surmane ... ! let us know who you are and maybe meet up in PT sometime soon ...